The Special show at the WDS - Pasohlávky 3. 10. 2021 - the application form for the strangers 

The application  form for the strangers to the Special show of sarplaninac, kraski ovcar and tornjak at the Word Dog Show, camp Merkur, Pasohlavky - near Brno

fill in the application and click on the word HERE

Judge: Miroslav Kocić, Serbia
The application deadline: I.  15. 9.    II. 24. 9.
I. a.d.    / II. a.d.                                                                   
First dog 35 euro/ 40 euro
Next dog 30 euro/ 35 euro
Baby, veteran, honorary class  10 euro, puppy 15 euro (both a.d.)

You cane pay:
Account name: Klub chovatelů jugoslávských ovčáků 
Account number (IBAN): CZ54 0800 0000 0008 8262 3399
Kód banky (BIC): GIBACZPX 

It is possible to pay on the show 

ATTENTION - each application must be clicked out with the button separately. IF YOU ARE REGISTERING FOR ANOTHER DOG, you must return to the NEXT EVENT button and then use the application again.